Friday, November 13, 2009

Satire: 2012 apocalypse a likely occurrence

Read this story....HERE

It is about time someone accurately depicts the end of the world.
Today, the long anticipated movie "2012" hits theaters and will
tell the story of how the world will come to an end in a little more
than two years.

But how could that be fair at all? Society won't get to witness the
2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics.
What will our next president accomplish? Freshmen, we won't even
be able to graduate.

Well, that is too bad. The 13th cycle of the Maya Long Count
calendar - each cycle has 394 years - will end during the winter
solstice of the year 2012. Of course, there have been many
inaccurate apocalyptic predictions in the past, but this event has
got to be true.

Reason No. 1 - John Cusack has prioritized this ominous date
enough to make a movie about it.

Appearing in "Sixteen Candles," "1408" and "Igor," it is apparent that
Cusack only participates in movies that parallel his strong convictions.
For example, in "Must Love Dogs," his character demonstrates the
importance of dating, dogs and decision-making (Is he the right one?)
Obviously, such pressing societal issues need to be addressed and
Cusack is the man for the job.

Secondly, we must believe the Mayas. There is no doubt that this
ancient civilization was far more advanced than any other group on
Earth at the time. Extremely well-developed irrigation systems,
quizzically modern astronomical discoveries and complex
architectural achievements are great reasons to agree with the Mayas
on this "end of the world" issue. After all, who could argue with a
population that used chocolate as currency?

Disregard the accusations of Mayan culture experts who say that the
apocalyptic association with the date has no Mayan origin. What do
they have besides a decade or two of concentrated Mayan research
under their belts? They even go on to say that this "end of time" the
Mayas bring up represents a fresh start, rather than a disastrous end.
Such rational thinking could only deter the world from all-out chaos
by Dec. 21, 2012.

Although NASA has debunked this "myth," and one too many people
are skeptical of the association between the apocalypse and the
Mayan calendar, it might be in everyone's best interest to review this
 issue more thoroughly. Look at it from both sides - The New York
Times may have an article questioning the Mayan apocalypse, but
The National Enquirer fully supports the Doomsday date.

At the very least, try looking into selling your car or home
(the real estate market may be doing well by then), but if that doesn't
sound appealing, you might have more luck befriending John Cusack.

Written by:
Judith Schomp is a freshman political science major from Lindale.

 Now I wonder how many people actually believe this.....
There have been many people that believe in the end of the world
scenarios that they all miss the point..

From Nostradamus to Mayans and everything in between....
the world isn't in good shape and needs to change....
hence the end of this time of life...

You can judge how things are going now...
but I will still believe that we make the world what we like it to be.

Yours Truly


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